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The University of Miami is a vibrant and diverse community focused on education and learning, the discovery of new knowledge, and service to the South Florida region and beyond. We embrace and embody an inclusive culture where faculty and staff feel valued and have the opportunity to add value, making the U a great place to pursue your passions and grow your career.
Points of Pride Points of Pride

Learning About the U

Get a feel for life in and around Miami. Learn more about neighborhoods and school systems, explore events for art enthusiastics, outdoor adventure seekers and sports fans, and discover the hidden treasures of South Florida.

Service awards recognize longtime faculty and staff members

Honoring employees who have reached a milestone of 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 years of service between January 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022, the Long Service Awards Ceremony celebrated those who have dedicated many years to the University of Miami.


Commitment to collaboration

“I’ve always been around sports. I love the ’Canes and football, and working here has made me love it even more.”


-Jasmin Rocha, Video Assistant 


We are one U

"I think that it is important for students and their families to see a united university when they arrive—One U, if you will. While we all have different roles to play at UM, ultimately we are all working toward the same goal of helping students graduate and live their future dreams.”


-Karen Beckett, University Registrar


Making a difference

“It’s very nice to be recognized for the work I do. I get to help people in the most difficult time in their lives, and having the ability to make even small impact on their families is priceless.”


Elise James, LCSW, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and


Doing the right thing

“The biggest difference here is that our leadership empowers everybody to do what's right for the patients—and that sometimes means to go out of your way to do something that perhaps you wouldn't be able to do somewhere else.”


- Bryant Barajas, manager for patient access

Advancing together

There is something wonderful about the idea that you can help change the world not just by giving to the U, but by giving through the U.

-Josh Friedman, senior vice president for development and alumni relations


Essential support

I am proud to work at the U because of the brilliant minds who are working to make our world a better place. As part of UMIT, I ensure that everyone at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) has the tools they need to facilitate their work and research.

-Christopher Gomez, RSMAS UMIT


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