Reporting Discrimination or Bias

The University is committed to the principles of fairness and respect for all people while maintaining an institution free from unlawful harassment and discrimination in accordance with federal, state and local law as described in the Equal Opportunity policy.

If you have experienced or witnessed acts of discrimination, we have put together the below guide to help you find the appropriate office and contact information.

Reporting up to your Manager or Department Leader

Report a concern or incident to your direct supervisor, their manager, or department leader.


Employee Relations


The Employee Relations team is responsible for assisting the University of Miami in maintaining a work/learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.



Learn more.

HR Partners


The HR Client Services team is ready to support staff at the University of Miami with any concerns including reporting a concern or incident.  

Coral Gables/RSMAS
Phone: 305-284-3798

UHealth/Miller School of Medicine
Phone: 305-243-6482

Learn more.

Title IX


To report an incident of sexual misconduct to the University, you may file a complaint online, or by contacting the Title IX office at 305-284-8624 or


Learn more.

Faculty Affairs


The Office of Faculty Affairs is part of the Office of the Provost and is ready to support faculty at the University of Miami with any concerns including reporting a concern or incident.


Learn more.

University Hotline


In those situations where an employee prefers to make an anonymous report, via the web or by telephone, the University Hotline can be used to report concerns related to violations of policies and procedures, rules and regulations, or other irregularities/improprieties. The University Hotline is hosted by EthicsPoint, a third party hotline provider.

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

Learn more.



If you have any concerns with students, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 305-284-5353 or For additional resources including compliance services, click here.

The University will make all reasonable efforts to keep and protect the confidentiality of all parties involved.  The University will consider a Complainant's wishes before proceeding with a formal investigation or adjudication of a complaint. 
